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How Do I Manifest? Just Trust.

If you are asking the question "How do I manifest?" then read this. Learning to manifest your desires is similar to learning to swim. So, how is swimming similar to manifesting? Both manifesting and swimming requires total trust. You must let go of any fear of the water, and allow yourself to just get wet. In the case of manifesting, you need to let go of your need to control the outcome and trust that you shall receive that which you seek, even if it doesn't look the way you pictured. In the case of swimming you trust that you will not drown. Everyone who has learned to swim will tell you that fear causes you to sink. When you stop struggling against the water, you are able to float. Even if you go down it will be temporary, and you’ll soon bob back to the surface.

It is the same with trying to manifest your desires. Begin to think of your desires as already having been fulfilled. The more doubt you allow into your head and into your heart, the less likely you are to manifest your chosen outcome. You can fool people, but you cannot fool the Universe. Every thought, feeling, or doubt, no matter how slight, vibrates outwardly to the Universe.

I only recently learned to swim and it was while I was in the pool that I realized the parallels between swimming and manifesting. I was baffled by the fact that I had difficulty keeping my head above water, while experienced swimmers didn’t have such a problem. They would swim effortlessly while I struggled. That was until my instructor said this, “The reason you sink is because you don’t trust the water to keep you up. You’re afraid that if you let go, you’ll go down.” And then it hit me. It is the same with manifesting your desires! No trust, no manifestation.

It’s only when you totally and unequivocally trust that your desires are as good as having already been delivered, that the manifestation will appear. The proof of your total trust is when you express your gratitude and start celebrating, in spite of your present reality, which may not yet reflect what you believe. However, just like learning to swim, practice is needed and you don't become an expert overnight. We first have to let go of the fears we carry from our past failures and traumas. A bad experience in the ocean at a young age need not ruin it's beauty forever. To truly let go, we have to actively do things differently, and small steps still count. Perhaps you need a life jacket to get into the water, but that's a step beyond the shore. We need to recognize that if we don't try new methods, we will always end with the same results. We must build upon our experiences and not let them stifle us, though seasons of rest are necessary. These seasons are much easier to give into when we honestly believe in our path and our power.

In short, the answer to the question, "How do I manifest?" is that I just trust. Trust that the Universe wants what’s best for you and is fully capable to supply what you want, so long as you are doing your part. Trust that if you follow the laws of attraction and of manifestation, you shall certainly have everything you want. Trust that just as the water lifts you up and lets you float, the Universe shall keep your head above the tides of life, no matter how dire things may seem right now.


Grunge Turqoise Wall
It's About Rocks Hot Springs Store

350 Central Ave, Hot Springs, AR 71901
(501) 359-3776



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